vrh „B“
10 šteniatok narodené: 24.01.2008
6 psíkov (3 modrí, 2 čierni a 1 trikolor modrý)
4 sučky (2 modré, 1 čierna a 1 trikolór čierna)
Otec: Double Scotch Blue Jolly Joker “Daniel”
Nar.: 12.01.1999, RTG DBK 1/1
International Champion
Hungary Champion
Hungary Grand Champion
Austria Champion
Slovak Champion
Slovenia Champion
Germany & VDH Champion
Croatia Champion
Vice World Winner 2002
Vice European Winner 2007
Club Star 2000-2004
10 x Club Winner
BABY BIS, 2 x PUPPY BIS, r. BOD, BIS III, 3 x r. BIS, 9 x BIS, , 9 x BOG, 43 x BOB, 30 x CACIB, 56 x CAC
Matka: Double Scotch Black Nofretete “Molly”
Nar.: 28.6.2002, RTG : DBK 0/0 DLK 0/0, CEA/PRA neg. (oči čisté)
Slovak Champion
Club Champion
Specialty Show Winner, BOS
Winner of Slovakia 2005
Junior Winner of Slovakia 2003
R. BOG, BOB, CACIB, 4 x CAC, 3 x r.CAC